Residential Treatment Facilities – Free Advice
It’s best to seek professional counsel before enrolling in residential treatment facilities. Free advice can be found by consulting a health care professional, discussing the matter with people who have participated in treatment as a patient, or from state agencies dedicated to public health. Residential treatment centers aren’t for everyone. Some situations are best suited for outpatient treatment programs. Many treatment centers offer free advice and consultations, so you can often simply call to understand more about the treatment process and see if you’re a candidate.
A reputable treatment center will offer the testimonials of previous participants. Many of the former residents will post their stories or memories on the center’s website, or perhaps they’ll be able to speak with you via telephone or email, so that you can learn more about the way the program works, life at the center or how recovery has changed their lives. If a treatment facility isn’t sharing testimonials or free advice from their clients, then perhaps their guests weren’t satisfied with the experience. Be sure that the center you choose has a testimonial resource, from guests and their families.
Your doctor is also a good source of advice. A general practitioner or family physician might be well versed in treatment facilities, and might be able to help you find good residential treatment facilities. Free advice is more likely to come from a professional that spends all day dealing with the specific issue. For example, if it’s an eating disorder you’re seeking treatment for, a dietitian or mental health counselor, or even a psychiatrist might be the best person to go to for advice, rather than a podiatrist. Sometimes your insurance company might require a specific referral in order to get you enrolled in a program, so the first call you might make is to your insurance company, in order to find out what their process is for enrollment. You wouldn’t want to waste a lot of time seeing doctors for no reason if you’re allowed to self-refer, which some insurance companies allow.
Contact your state or county health department. Some disorders are known to affect the public health and welfare. For example, it’s in the best interest of the public to help treat alcoholism since drunk drivers are a threat to the well-being of the rest of society, so every state has funds set aside to help people get treatment, and since residential treatment centers have such a high success rate, they’re usually an option. So contact your health department for free advice. If you work for a large company, you might want to see if they offer assistance or advice. In most states, they’re not allowed to fire you for getting treatment and most employers would rather see you in recovery.
For many afflictions, the best remedy may be residential treatment centers. Free advice is available in a variety of places, from government sponsored anonymous phone lines, to insurance companies, to medical professionals. Be sure to consult the treatment centers themselves, they can often lead you to past client’s testimonials and help you secure funding for your visit, whether it’s through your insurance, a grant or a loan. Internet treatment center directories and resources are also helpful.