How to Choose the Best Adolescent Therapist
It’s a sad but true fact that many young people, adolescents, are in need of therapy. The causes of their problems can be many and varied but they all have one thing in common; they need help.
As the parent of ayou want the best for your child. Fine, but who will that be and how do you find the right therapist? It’s a fact that not all therapists offer the same type of service.
There are several steps you can take to locate the best possible therapist. Remember that every professional adolescent therapist who is registered and licensed to practice is not necessarily the right person for your teen. You can’t take this matter lightly. The health and future well-being of your child is at stake. So the search is on.
First you want the right type of therapist, i.e. one who works with adolescents and then you want the best therapist in that field. You simply must get the right therapist because your child’s health is at stake. And it might be that your child and his or her therapist will work and meet together for quite some time. Just another reason why your choice is so important.
Here are some boxes you will need to tick in your search for the ideal adolescent therapist.
- What are their working hours? Are they available after hours and on weekends?
- Do they have many years experience working with adolescents?
- Will they win the respect of your child?
The adolescent doesn’t necessarily have to like their therapist but they must respect them. Is the therapist you are considering the type who will win the respect of your child?
More boxes for you to tick
- Will the therapist give you a written assessment of your child after the initial consultation?
- Will the therapist keep in regular communication with you?
- Will there be a list of goals and a timetable in which these goals are to be achieved?
- Will the therapist work closely with you and your child’s teachers and local doctor?
The therapist will come with a plan of treatment. How does this sit with you? Is the child the focus of attention within the plan?
So, armed with your list of questions, you can start contacting potential therapists. Remember location is important. If you are driving your child to therapy every week for many months, long travel times may not be helpful.
You don’t even need to make contact in the early stages of your search. Using the internet you can draw up a list of potential therapists and rate them. You can then refine your list of potential therapists and then telephone or email them with questions as listed in this article.
A little effort or even a lot of effort is worth it in the end as you are dealing with such a precious cargo – your adolescent son or daughter.
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