Different Federal Grant Programs to Help At Risk Youths

There are many government departments and agencies which offer financial assistance for those working with at risk teens. Here is a summary of several of these grants.
The YouthBuild Program is a Federal grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and targets economically disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 24 who have dropped out of high school and need help getting back into education. In addition funds are provided for low-cost housing. The grants are to cover counseling and referral services as well as educational costs. State government agencies as well as private and non-profit groups are eligible to apply.
Gang-Free Schools is a Federal grant scheme from the Department of Justice and aims to prevent at-risk youth from joining gangs and becoming involved in crime. Funds are available for programs which offer counseling to at-risk youth, to establish and maintain neighborhood community groups and training assistance for adults who deal with at-risk youth. Grants are made to profit or non-profit agencies or individuals.
Delinquency Prevention Program grants provide Federal funds from the Department of Justice to state and local government agencies to help them develop and maintain programs to prevent delinquents being removed from the criminal justice system and into a law-abiding lifestyle. The programs are to directly aid at-risk youth and their families.
Drug-Free Schools is a Federal program with funds available from the Department of Education. Grants can range between 12 and 48 months and agencies and individuals may apply. Funds are given to support programs designed to rid schools of drugs and the drug culture.
Abstinence Education is a Federal program providing grants funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. It offers funds to state agencies with the aim of promoting the value of abstinence in sexual activity and promoting the importance of a stable marriage and children born within wedlock. The funds target groups of at-risk youth likely to become involved in unplanned pregnancies.
Runaway Youth is a Federal program with grants from the Department of Health and Human Services. The grants are offered to local organizations which deal with runaway youth and their families. These organizations seek to prevent youth from running away, finding those who do and attempting to bring these youths home and have them reunited with their families.
Homeless Youth is a Federal program with grants from the Department of Health and Human Services. The grants are to help homeless young people particularly those who are parents and need emergency housing. The target group is those aged 16 to 21 and funding is provided for as long as 18 months.
Incarcerated Youth is a Federal program with grants from the Department of Education. The aim is to assist young people who have been sent to prison by helping them obtain a post-secondary education and vocational training. Eligible youth can be in a prison or court-sanctioned boot camp, be eligible for release or parole within four years, are 25 years old or younger and who have completed basic secondary school education.