ADD and ADHD Treatment for Adults
ADD and ADHD are thought by many to be disorders endured only by children. Not so as between 30% and 70% of children diagnosed with the disorder still suffer from it in their adult years. Adults who have trouble concentrating or finishing tasks or who have poor skills when organizing things can find great relief as an adult to be told the reason for their co-called failings.
And considerable research has gone into both diagnosing adults with ADD or ADHD and, as a consequence, a variety of treatments are available.
A major difference in the treatment of adults with the conditions is that the medical professionals can discuss and explain the symptoms and treatments in much greater depth. An otherwise normal and intelligent adult is able to ask questions and receive detailed information about what is happening inside their body and what the prescribed drugs are doing to help the patient.
Drugs are a major weapon in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. Basically there are two types of drugs prescribed – stimulants and antidepressants. In some cases a patient will be prescribed both types. The antidepressants, and there are several, target the chemicals in the brain. In fact some of these drugs are also used to remove or suppress cravings for nicotine.
There is always a danger that certain drugs or certain amounts of certain drugs can have an ill-effect on a patient and adults usually vary in terms of amount and type of drugs from those prescribed for children. Every patient is unique and the specialist medical professionals will analyze every aspect of the patient’s surrounds, family life, occupation, etc.
Again, being an adult, gives the patient an advantage as being able to understand their condition is a major step forward in itself. Then various practical steps are put in place. The adult will have designated areas in which items such as keys, wallet and watch are always to be placed. Diaries, calendars and notebooks are made important items and using these to plan and follow through on even simple tasks can make life much easier for adult sufferers. The aim is to bring a system or sense of order to one’s daily chores. Bills arrive and a system is put in place so they are paid and on time.
And therapy is another important form of treatment. An adult with ADD or ADHD can become introverted and frustrated even angry at their inability to complete simple tasks. Psychotherapy can explain the reason for their confusion and thus build self-esteem and self-confidence. The feelings of anger can be replaced with positive emotions and thus bring a powerful change to the patient’s mental health.
Mind you there are positive benefits for a sufferer of ADHD as their energy levels are often high and channeling this energy into worthwhile activities can mean even greater happiness for the patient.
While it is true that a healthy lifestyle with plenty of sleep, sensible exercise and a good diet will help everyone, it is even more important for ADD and ADHD sufferers. Reducing stress greatly assists in their daily planning and every success builds on the development of a triumphant accomplishment in even the simple tasks of living.
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